When you have an estate of significant value, it is important to plan to protect your wealth. Planning in advance can help you avoid crisis planning so that there is always a plan in place regardless of what happens in your future. High-asset estate planning is...
Dedicated To Your Legal Needs
Year: 2021
What you need to know about a force majeure clause
As a contractor, you’ve learned to plan for just about every eventuality before you begin a project. However, sometimes things are simply beyond your control. That’s why construction contracts need a force majeure clause to prevent them from being held liable if...
3 serious consequences of hiding marital assets
Divorce can be difficult for everyone. It is not unusual for divorce to bring out the worst in people. And one way this happens is when one or both parties decide to hide marital assets from each other or the eyes of the court. There are a number of reasons why a...
Your attitude can shape your child’s thoughts during divorce
Going through a divorce is hard for anyone, but people who have children are going to find that things are even more complicated. Not only do you have to deal with the normal divorce matters like property division, but you’ll also have to work through child custody...
What to do when the person you are divorcing makes outrageous demands
Divorces are always stressful and upsetting. Most often, they take a major toll, both on your pocketbook as well as your mental wellbeing. Some cases are more distressing than others. These are usually dissolutions that involve high assets. If the person you are...
What are the main types of construction defects?
You’ve put a lot of money into your home, and you can’t say you’re happy with the results. Your contractor says that everything is done, but you think the work leaves a lot to be desired. Does that equate to a construction defect? Maybe. It’s one thing if you aren’t...
How do you resolve a boundary dispute with your neighbor?
Your home is not just a source of personal pride but also probably your most valuable personal asset. Every square inch of your home and square foot of your yard contributes to your standard of living and the overall value of the property. Having good neighbors and...
Kick-out clauses: Great for sellers, not so great for buyers
It’s a pretty hot real estate market right now, but the traditional “slow” season is coming as the holidays approach -- and that could make both buyers and sellers a bit anxious. It’s not unusual for a potential buyer to make an offer on a new home even though they...
Common safety risks on Florida construction sites
Construction sites can be high-pressured environments even at the best of times. Often, both employers and employees are obliged to meet tight deadlines. Occasionally, these conditions may tempt all parties to try and cut corners. However, cutting corners is likely...
3 reasons to request child-related post-divorce modifications
After your divorce ends, you probably feel confident that your child-related court orders will meet your needs in the future. In most cases, this is so, but everyone's needs evolve over time, especially as it relates to child support matters. Florida law permits...