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How to get help after Hurricane Michael

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2018 | Firm News, Real Estate Law

Hurricane Michael has devastated Florida, and it is leaving many of the state’s residents vulnerable and in need of assistance.

As we all recover, many services are available that could benefit you or someone you know. Below are some of the best options:


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the managing partner for the Disaster Assistance Improvement Program (DAIP), which was implemented via executive order by former President George W. Bush in August 2006. DAIP’s mission is to provide disaster survivors with information, support, services and a means to access and apply got assistance through data-sharing efforts between several partners.

Anyone interested in DAIP can find a local recover center or contact FEMA in one of three ways:

  • 1-800-621-FEMA (3362)


Floridians in need of food, water or ice can contact your county emergency management on their website or to find the closest distribution center. They have up-to-date information regarding shelters and supplies.

Vulnerable populations

If you are a senior or know a senior who needs assistance, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs hotline can help. Their number is 1-800-96-ELDER (35337). They also have a hotline for reporting elder abuse, which is 1-800-96-ABUSE (22873).

If you are a veteran or know a veteran who needs help, the Veteran Disaster Hotline is available

Anyone experiencing emotional distress can call the Disaster Distress Helpline or text TalkWithUs to 66746. They will connect you with a trained counselor.

Dialysis users who need help can find a local dialysis center at If you are a patient of DaVita Dialysis, find your nearest Dialysis Center.

Additional resources

There are several other resources available to Floridians who need help with mortgage relief, tax relief, disaster recovery loans, disaster unemployment assistance and more. If you were affected by Hurricane Michael, know that there are options for you to help rebuild your life after the storm.