Dedicated To Your Legal Needs

Protecting Your Rights And Your Wealth During Divorce

When high net worth couples divorce, there are many difficult issues that are not part of a typical divorce. High-asset divorce often involves complex tax issues, as well as the division of sophisticated financial holdings and property. It requires the knowledge and financial savvy of an experienced high net worth divorce attorney.

Daniel W. Uhlfelder, P.A., is an established Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, law firm that provides trusted advice and intelligent representation to high net worth individuals and their spouses involved in divorce. We represent both men and women in these cases and handle each matter with the utmost professionalism and respect for their privacy.

Sophisticated, Professional Representation

When confronted with the prospect of divorce, some people will go to great lengths to avoid the accurate valuation and division of the marital estate. These individuals may use offshore accounts, shell corporations and tax shelters to hide assets and intentionally downplay their true net worth.

When appropriate and financially wise, the lawyers of Daniel W. Uhlfelder, P.A., enlist the assistance of industry experts to help our clients secure a fair division of marital property. We often work with tax professionals, business valuation experts and forensic accountants to perform reliable business valuations, track down hidden assets and assign accurate values to all sources of income.

These sources of income may include bank accounts, business ventures, investment instruments, real estate, stock portfolios, and pension and retirement accounts. Rest assured, we will conduct a meticulous investigation and employ intelligent, proven strategies to build a strong case on your behalf.

We assist clients throughout Santa Rosa Beach and Destin with the following issues relevant to high-asset divorce:

  • Complex property division
  • Finding hidden assets
  • Division of businesses and professional practices
  • Marital estate valuation
  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Division of retirement plans
  • High-asset alimony
  • Investments, stocks and bank accounts
  • Real estate, vacation homes
  • Boats and sports cars

Schedule Your Free Consultation

To meet with our experienced lawyer to discuss the impact your divorce may have upon your assets, call our office at 850-909-2225 or send us an email to arrange a time for your free consultation.