The beginning of a business partnership is often much like the beginning of a romantic relationship. People tend to see one another through rose-colored glasses and dream of the best future possible. After many months of working together to establish or grow a...
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Small Business
Avoid scope creep at every turn
Projects both large and small face can get derailed and go wildly above budget. Some causes are unavoidable, like the weather here in Florida where hurricanes are frequent and unwelcome occurrences. Other causes, however, remain firmly under human control and can be...
Can a delay in a construction project lead to litigation?
Construction litigation can be a very stressful experience for all the parties involved. Disputes can take months to resolve. Going to court can also be expensive and could damage the reputation of the businesses embroiled in the dispute. Such litigation might stem...
3 clauses worth including in business contracts
Businesses may sign contracts so that they can secure commercial space in which to operate. They might sign a contract with a vendor who will deliver key supplies. Employee contracts are also important, as they both clarify what the company expects from a worker and...
What happens to a business when a family member inherits?
When people talk about family businesses being an important legacy, they often don't talk about the logistics involved in an intergenerational transfer. Inheriting a business from parents, grandparents or other loved ones can give someone control over their career and...
How do I know when to expand my small business?
Quite a few small businesses fail during their first year, and it is common for entrepreneurs to have more plans in place for failure than for success. Those running small businesses may feel uncertain about when the right time to grow a company may be and also how to...
What are the leading causes of business partnership disputes?
A business partnership involves two or more people cooperating to start or improve an organization. They generally share financial responsibility and managerial duties and will mutually benefit from the organization's success. Unfortunately, the very partnership...
Codifying the role of a silent partner in your business
Most people have heard the term “silent partner.” Fewer are clear on what role a silent partner actually plays in a business. The specific role is decided on by the partners themselves and defined in the partnership agreement. However, it’s important to understand the...
The right business plan helps build your business’s success
A good business plan can make a big difference in how your business is run. Having a thorough business plan sets you up for success by making sure you understand all aspects of your business and the market you’re opening it in. The importance of a good business plan...
Protecting against business contract mistakes that cause disputes
Every new contract that you sign on behalf of your company means more benefits and gains for your business. Contracts might mean you have new employees on your staff roster or a new supplier to help you keep your costs low. However, contracts can also lead to...