Like many others, you may feel strongly about not relying on your ex-spouse for economic support after your divorce. You would probably prefer to have nothing more to do with them, if possible. More people are ruling out the concept of spousal support before they have...
Dedicated To Your Legal Needs
Month: May 2023
Florida’s beach battle
Florida is a popular vacation destination for many looking to get away from it all, particularly those who live in colder climates. Whether they are spending a week or the rest of their lives, the Sunshine State is a popular destination. For outdoor enthusiasts,...
Think outside the box when doing your parenting plan
Each Florida divorce is unique in its circumstances, so why should your custody arrangements be cookie-cutter? What is right for one family can be completely wrong for another. If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are struggling to settle on workable child custody...
What should you do if a loved one left more than one will?
Maybe you tried to get an aging parent to see an attorney to put an estate plan in place – at least a will. However, they never seemed to want to think about a time when they wouldn’t be around. Now that they’re gone, however, you have found more than one will in with...
Can you be too young for estate planning?
There are two ways that people tend to think that they can be too young for estate planning. The first is when they are very young, such as in their teens or early 20s. They don’t have a family, they don’t have significant assets and so they don’t think it makes sense...